Monday, June 18, 2007

After writing the previous blog, I thought whether only talking made any relation complete. Yea surely communication is extremely essential. Who better than me to describe the wonders of talking – the chatterbox!!

But then, I also thought of those innumerable instances when we are just too soaked in the beauty or rather the simplicity of the moment. Those times, when just being with someone is precious enough to be cherished. Those moments when words don’t really play any role…

A walk in the rain on the sea side.

Silently sharing your Sunday morning tea while reading the newspaper.
The weekly routine of head massage (mama’s special).
Sincerely studying with your best friend at 2.00 am in the morning.
Watching back to back romantic comedies ( discussions prohibited)
Watching the sunrise or sunset.
Having an ice-cream on a very chilly evening while watching Mumbai’s skyline disappear in darkness.
Wanting to sit besides your friend in lectures so that both can dream your way to glory.
An unexpected hug when it’s most needed.

These are some of the most “silently beautiful” moments I would treasure for the rest of my life…